
The Love of a Lion: A free movie lesson on the lion, the witch, and the wardrobe

The Love of a Lion: A free movie lesson on the lion, the witch, and the wardrobe

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Though the allure of sin can be strong, we often see through this thinly veiled evil and long to come home.  We long to be freed from its power over us.  This week we will see what is required to deal with sin and how the sinful are treated as Edmund is freed from his bondage to the white witch.


Edmund goes to the castle to see the White Witch. Instead of being made prince as she promised, he is imprisoned. The White Witch sends her wolf guard to find the siblings. Peter, Susan, and Lucy flee with Mr. and Mrs. Beaver. They encounter a Fox that informs them Aslan is assembling an army to take on the White Witch. While in prison Edmund meets Mr. Tumnus who is subsequently frozen. In order to spare his own life, Edmund tells the witch of Aslan’s coming and promises to take her to him. The witch sets out in pursuit of the children. The Pevensies encounter Father Christmas who tells them the hope they have brought to Narnia has brought back Christmas after 100 year absence. He gives each child a gift to prepare them for their upcoming battle. The children square off with the queen’s wolf guard on a frozen river but are spared when the ice breaks free. As they pull themselves from the river they notice tress blooming and snow melting. Spring has come announcing the arrival of Aslan to Narnia.


WATCH THE MOVIE: Start – 1:16:53   End – 1:46:09

Good vs. Evil is the prevalent theme of this portion of the movie.

Take a large piece of paper and draw a line down the middle. On one side write “Good” and on the other “Evil.” Try to come up with as many Good vs. Evil pairs as you can. These can be real or fictional.

Leaders Note: Encourage them to be creative! Some examples include: Batman-Joker, Red Sox – Yankees, Luke Skywalker – Darth Vader, Harry Potter – Voldemort, Katniss Everdeen – President Snow, Jesus – Satan, David – Goliath.
Invite small groups to share their lists with the Big Group.

Back in small groups, have your small group select 2-3 pairs to discuss.

  1. What made the Good person “good”?
  2. What makes the evil person “evil?”
  3. Are there any cases where the good and evil in either of the pair are not so clear?

Aslan, the God figure in this movie sacrifices his own life for Edmund’s. In any of your pairs, does the good person offer a sacrifice in his/her stand against evil?


There are many examples in the portion of the movie we watched today that mirror or parallel the story of Jesus in the Bible.

  1. What examples did you see that parallel the story of Jesus in the Bible?

Leaders Note: Aslan taking Edmunds punishment upon himself, Aslan laying down his authority to be subject to punishment, Aslan saying “I was there when the law was written” is like God’s eternal nature, Aslan being shaved is like Christ being humiliated by the guards, Aslan being executed.

Other similarities include:
He was innocent

He took blame on himself to save someone who could not save themselves

He was shaved to be humiliated – Christ was beaten, stripped, and dressed as a king to humiliate him

He gave up his power to become subject to punishment and authority

Women were on the scene (Susan and Lucy) much like women (Mary and Mary) were at the crucifixion

Aslan talks with Edmund privately. He does not roar or seem to get angry at the boy. Then he says “No need to speak about the past.”

  1. What do you think Edmund and Aslan’s conversation was like? What did either of them say?
  2. Do you think everyone forgave Edmund? Why or why not?
  3. God tells us to forgive those who betray us. How easy is it for you personally to forgive and forget? How does God forgive us?
  4. Aslan decides to sacrifice himself for Edmund’s “sins.” In what ways does this mirror Christ’s sacrifice for us?

Aslan tells the White Witch “I was there when the law was written.”

In the book of Job, Job is a righteous man who has suffered greatly. God has allowed Satan to destroy his home, kill his family, and cause him to have physical sickness. Job remained faithful to God, but eventually questions God’s wisdom and authority. God responds to Job.

Read Job 38: 1-18

  1. What do these lines tell us about God?
  2. How does this compare with the way Aslan addresses the White Witch?

Aslan says “here is a deep magic more powerful than any of us that rules in all of Narnia. It defines right from wrong. It governs all of our destinies, yours and mine.”

  1. What is the “deep magic?”


Aslan says this must happen “for all our families”. Animals of all species were united under Aslan–even some who would normally be enemies.

  1. How is this like the kingdom of God?


The children have a discussion about whether they should go back home or stay and fight. It is Edmund of all people who says that they must stay and help make things right in Narnia.

  1. Would you have been tempted to turn back?
  2. Why did the Pevensies stay to fight? 


Give small groups a 5 minute and 2 minute warning to wrap up discussion. Call the group back together as a large group.

Invite prayer requests and invite a youth to pray for the group. (If no one volunteers, you may select someone or pray yourself).

Tell youth you hope to see them back next week!


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