
The Redemptive Power of Business

The Redemptive Power of Business

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Don Flow, a car dealer from North Carolina, surprised us all at the Summit when his talk became the most tweeted of the entire conference. The way he spoke about the integration of faith and business resonated deeply with many attendees. Since then, we have heard numerous stories from leaders in the marketplace who are seeking to integrate faith and business in a deeper way.

Watch the video below and reflect. It if is helpful, grab your journal or a tablet and ask yourself: What stands out to you from Don Flow’s vision of business?

Take it deeper:

1. Bill Hybels posed a challenging question in this session. How does your relationship with Christ make a difference in your vocation? How do you lead differently from others who are not Christ followers? Take a few minutes to think about ways you are currently reflecting Christ in your leadership

2. Using Don Flow’s 3-part model, envision what might be possible if your faith was more integrated with your work. Write down specific ways your relationship with Christ could impact your:

– Interactions with your customers or constituents?

– Relationships with your employees or co-workers?

– Impact on your community?

3. What specific steps could you take to go from where you are now to a place where you more fully live a Grander Vision in your workplace?

4. Bill Hybels said that our churches should be producing thousands of stories like Don Flow’s. If you are a church leader, identify 2-3 specific ways you might be able to produce more business leaders like Don Flow in your ministry context.

Enjoy the video . . . and let’s take this month to take some brave steps toward living a Grander Vision this month.

This article and included video were originally published by the Willow Creek Association Blog here.


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