
Article Archives

Author: Duke Walker

The Idol of Being Different

In our society, being different seems to garner praise. But, could this be an idol in our lives? Duke Walker muses on the issue of considering being different as a goal to achieve and what it might mean if we lay aside our differences and share what we have in common – a driving need for God’s love.

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Why Faith-Filled Depression is Better Than Pseudo-Holy Hope

What does a person really need when they are walking through a dark time? Duke Walker shares wisdom that faith-filled depression is better than pseudo-holy hope. Christian faith in the midst of depression is a faith that is grounded in the unchanging nature of God. This is the faith that walks through the valley with the knowledge that God goes with us. To hope for anything else is idolatry and contributes to the depth of despair rather than lifting one out of it.

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Good and Evil: The Tree of Irony

What actually happened when the first humans ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil? Our friend, Duke Walker, shares some interesting insights into the dynamics of the fall and the damage it has caused every single moment since, including our damaging choice to pridefully condemn one another.

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The Silence of Creating

Why do I imagine that silence was God’s way of being present before creation? Silence is more than an absence of sound according to Hebrew and Greek denotations. I would suggest that silence is a way of meeting life. Duke Walker shares the profound treasure he has found in the silent times of life and how it has become life-giving for him.

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Failing into the Arms of a Loving God

There is the Good News of the Gospel and then, there is the good news about ourselves. The good news about ourselves is that we are limited. We run out. We run out of our best efforts. Duke Walker shares his experience of coming to the end of himself, and how his failings brought him closer to God.

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