Wake-Up Call Sowing Campaign 2024

Sponsor a Day of Wake-Up Call

It’s time to invest in more seeds. We do all manner of sowing for awakening around here, but some of the most productive seeds we sow are as the Wake-Up Call. It's what drew so many of you to us in the first place, and it’s likely a seed you’ve sown into the lives of others. Thanks to you, the Wake-Up Call is bearing fruit literally all over the world.

Because we sow extravagantly, we send the Wake-Up Call at no cost to anyone—but we make an annual invitation to invest in the seed, the sowing, and the growing of this ministry.

It costs us $300 per day to sow a fully developed, technologically platformed, and Holy Spirit–scattered daily seed post. We're looking for friends who will sponsor one day of the Wake-Up Call.

Would you make a gift of $300 to help fund this work of sowing for a great awakening? Anything below, in between, or beyond will be greatly appreciated and carefully stewarded.

Far from a mere daily devotion, the Wake-Up Call is an invitation into a comprehensive awakening journey. I’m sure you agree that we need it more than ever before.