
Free Lesson: Find Your Light (Week 2)

Free Lesson: Find Your Light (Week 2)

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Intro: In the previous lesson, we discussed what light is and began to discuss where light comes from. We are going to continue the discussion of where light comes from by looking at two additional passages. 

The Word is Light

Read Psalm 119:105, Psalm 119:130

Counting on God when we have needs is like reaching for a flashlight in the darkness. As morning light takes away the darkness of night, the Word of God exposes darkness in our hearts, guides us and illuminates truth about a Heavenly Father who cares.


How do you think the Bible can light our path for us?

What things prevent you from taking advantage of the light the Word of God has to offer?


Jesus is Light

Read John 1:1-9, John 8:12 and Ephesians 5:14

The Bible says that Jesus came to be the light of the world. It says that He shone into the darkness of this world, but the darkness didn’t understand it. Jesus said that through him light had come into the world, but that men love darkness instead of light. Then, the light of the world was extinguished when Jesus was wrongly accused and put to death on a cross. As he died, darkness came for three hours in the middle of the day. It seemed as if darkness had won. But three days later, when Mary went to the tomb, while it was still dark outside, instead of peering into a dark tomb, she had to squint to see, because the light was so bright. He had risen! That changes everything. Darkness didn’t win. The light of the world conquered the powers of darkness. In him our light is found.


How did Jesus’ death on the cross and resurrection change things for us? What does this have to do with shining our lights?


Reflection Time:

Pass out the “Find Your Light” Journal pages. During this time, students can choose to spread out or stay where they are, whichever is more comfortable for them, so that they can spend some quiet time reflecting on the study for today and making it personal.

When everyone has finished ask the students, who are willing, to share some of their reflections from their journal time.

Close in prayer


Find Your Light Student Reflection Sheet!!

Today we have been discussing how to find our lights, so that we can learn how to shine them. We have identified God, the Word and Jesus as sources of our light. In the light bulb below, jot some ideas of how you will use those three sources to help you find your own light so you can shine!!


Find Your Light Student Reflection Page!!

Sometimes, we spend too much time trying to shine our lights on our own. But we know that God is really the only one who can give us what we need to shine. In Him, we find our light, and in Him we find the ability to shine it brightly. We have to receive the light from God before we can reflect it. Think about the solar lamps that people put in the ground around their houses. If they do not receive sunshine all day, they are just sticks in the ground. But after a day in the sunshine, they glow all night. We are the same. Read the following lyrics from David Crowder’s song, Shine:

Send me a sign

A hint, a whisper Throw me a line ‘Cause I am listening

Come break the quiet Breathe your awakening

Bring me to light ‘Cause I am fainting

Shine Your light so I can see You

Pull me up I need to be near You

Hold me I need to feel love

Can You overcome this heart that’s overcome

This song speaks about our need to have God shine His light on us, so that we can see Him. Spend a few minutes reflecting on these words and how they apply to your life, and pray asking God to shine His light on you so that you can learn how to shine for Him!


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