
Crossover Week 4: A Study on Joshua

Crossover Week 4: A Study on Joshua

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We all have divine appointments and assignments from God. The sooner we can discover those, then the more fully we can walk those out in obedience. There is not a perfect time or circumstance for us, as people of God, to cross into what God has for us. At some point, we have to trust the Lord and cross over. Through this series, we will talk about stepping into our callings, conquering fears, and ultimately crossing over! Joshua is a book positioned to talk about such topics, so we will be diving in there.

Every week in small groups, we begin with “Pows and wows” or highs and lows of the week. This gives students the opportunity to share, begin getting comfortable talking, and also for you to find out any prayer needs on the front end of the group time.

Read Joshua 4:1-9 & 4:21-24. How many men and how many stones are used to make the memorial?

Can you think of some reasons that 12 would be the number? What are some other common numbers in the Bible, and what do they stand for? (3, 7, 12, 40, 120)

Reread verse 6. What is the significance of the stones and memorial? (remind people and testify of what God has done)

What are some “memorial” stones in our youth space that point back to a time when God moved? (Discovery Weekend cross in prayer corner, banners, pictures, paint dart pic in intern office, giant cross on the wall in the café is from an old youth stage set from the last youth minister, waves wall)

What are some “memorial” stones in your life and your faith journey? (baptism, confirmation, retreats, mission trips, giving life to Christ, a special Bible, breaking free of a habit or sin etc)

Reread Joshua 4:21-24. How do people know what memorial stones are in our faith? (we share it)

Read Joshua 5:1. What happened to the people when they heard about them crossing over?

What are some benchmarks in your faith from this year? (Everyone share at least 1.)

Read Joshua 5:10-12. What are some reasons the manna each day had stopped?

Joshua and the people were faithful to do what God asked. What was the fruit of their faithfulness? (plenty and provision)

Has God ever asked you to do something, you did it, and then you received a reward?

Everyone in the circle should pray for the person on their right.


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